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Adult ADHD – Symptoms, challenges and treatment

Adult ADHD – Symptoms, challenges and treatment

Many people think Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is associated only with kids and children outgrow those symptoms. But 60% of children will still have symptoms of ADHD like impulsiveness and hyperactivity even as they become adults. It is believed that about 5% of young adults, both men, and women, in America are diagnosed with the symptoms.
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How ADHD affects relationships?

How ADHD affects relationships?

Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) can be very straining on relationships. People with ADHD find it difficult to be in a relationship. Maintaining a relationship with a person with ADHD sets lots of challenges. Due to their neurological disorders, they are pictured by their partners as: Distracted Forgetful Poor listeners When one of the partners has ADHD, most of the responsibilities like managing chores, finances, parenting and organizing fall on the non-ADHD partner.
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Symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of ADHD

Symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of ADHD

Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) or Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) refers to symptoms like impulsivity, inattentiveness, and hyperactivity. ADD symptoms can affect both children and adults. However, the symptoms start to show in the early childhood. About five million children from 3 to 13 years of age suffer from this condition in the US.
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Understanding the signs and symptoms of ADHD in toddlers

Understanding the signs and symptoms of ADHD in toddlers

All toddlers can have difficulty sitting still, paying attention or controlling impulsive behavior. Inattention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity are a part of their normal development, these, however, are also the core symptoms of ADHD (Attention Deficit Hypersensitivity Disorder); this makes it difficult to distinguish the signs and symptoms of ADHD in your toddler and usual kid’s behavior.
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How to know if your kid has ADHD

How to know if your kid has ADHD

Sometimes, parents have to take little more care than usual to identify if their kids have any disorder in them or not. It can be a big deal for the parents to learn that their toddler may have a disorder that would require special attention. As a parent, it is not an easy information to digest and at times, the disorders are not easy to identify.
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ADHD Symptoms Affecting Adult Patients

ADHD Symptoms Affecting Adult Patients

Careful observation and extensive research have allowed human thinking to be directed towards the advanced set of thought procedures and evolving practices. When it comes to the world of medical science there are several bifurcated categories which have been created to help researchers and commoners know the required topics in the right proportions.
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Treating Teenagers Suffering From ADHD With Therapy And Medications

Treating Teenagers Suffering From ADHD With Therapy And Medications

Most children diagnosed with ADHD will continue to have the symptoms in their teens as well. ADHD teenagers have similar symptoms to that they had when they were younger. The symptoms include disorganization, distractibility, hyperactivity, poor concentration, and impulsivity. It is to be noted that during teen years, ADHD symptoms may take a turn for the worse.
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Commonly Ignored Indicators Of ADHD In Adults

Commonly Ignored Indicators Of ADHD In Adults

One of the very common psychiatric conditions that affect both children and adults is ADHD. However, many of the symptoms that are associated with ADHD often are dismissed as being a personality quirk or merely attributed to stress. Hence, the condition goes untreated resulting in a number of physical and mental health complications.
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